Saturday, August 20, 2011

so outofdate!

assalamualaikum..Justify Full

hmm apa yang out date ni baiti? well hari ni nak cerita or share something that i thought.. and learned from my daddy! ^^

please flush after use it.. hmm apa yang perlu flush lepas kita guna dia? korang semua mesti tahu apa kan? tandas!

adik lelaki baiti sangat susah flush tandas lepas guna.. kadang kadang tu baiti tanya die.. patah ke tangan tu kalau flush tandas? baiti marah dan geram.. satu hari tu baiti marah dia in front of my daddy.. and he got scold.. then he flush.. after that he forgot again..

aigoo! nak tahu apa ayah baiti cakap dekat my lil bro tu.. "orang x ade tamadun je yang lepas berak x flush.. tahu?" wow sangat pedas dan bernas! i like!

baru puas rasanya bila ayah baiti tegur dia.. tapi memang betul apa yang ayah baiti cakap.. kita kan da ada tamadun.. sebab tu orang cipta flush.. untuk kemudahan kita.. x perlu lagi jirus jirus macam dulu.. tapi semua anggap flush tu hanya hiasan kat dalam tandas.. ish ish sangat x bertamadun..

ada sekali tu baiti dekat tandas awam.. tunggu giliran nak masuk.. sekali perempuan yang keluar dari tandas memang pergh gorgeous la.. dressup pun class gitu.. sekali bila baiti masuk tandas.. hmm x berflush.. rasa macam nak je suruh die masuk balik dan flush.. and tanya x baca arahan yang dia bagi ni ke?

kesimpulannya.. mereka mereka yang x suka flush tandas lepas guna ni sangat sangat outofdate and x cool! ^^

deathnote ; jadi mari la kita sama sama menjaga kebersihan tandas awam.. ceh macam iklan kat tv le pulak.. ^*

Monday, August 15, 2011

kecik kecik dolu!

assalamualaikum! apa khabar semua?!

teruja sungguh saudari ya?! ya saya sangat teruja.. sebab hujan hujan ni kene teruja lebih sikit.. kalau x kesejukan nanti.. dan disebabkan keterujaan inilah.. cewah ayat nat power je brader.. hee.. tetiba sahaja baiti teringatkan kisah silam.. haha.. kisah silam tersebut menusuk hingga ke kalbu.. hee..

kisah silam ini bermula dari baiti berumur hmm lebih kurang 8 or 9 tahun macam tu la.. waktu waktu umur macam ni biasanya perempuan da baligh kan.. or lebih specific da ade rase malu yang tahap shy shy cat.. kan kan? tapi baiti belum lagi lah! kenapa pula ye? meh mari kita dengar ceritanya..

masa umur macam ni biasanye la kan budak budak perempuan akan duduk dekat rumah dan belajar memasak dengan ibu masing masing.. macam sorang ni yang merangkap jiran sebelah rumah baiti.. name die nik farina aishah.. memang cantik lah kan.. kalau mak mentua tengok aish jatuh hati la.. belom anak anak laki dia orang tengok lagi.. hmm x tahu la jatuh ape la pulak kan.. jatuh rahang rahang mereka agaknye.. hee.. dia ni memang princess la.. duduk je dalam rumah.. tolong ibu die buat kerja, memasak lah.. macam macam la.. memang perempuan mithali.. baiti pulak buat ape?

macam biasa la.. bangun mesti la pagi pagi kan.. sekarang je x tahu nape suka sangat bangun lambat.. heee.. then sarapan, ushar tv( dulu x main la panggil ushar kan kita kata tengok tv la ^^ ).. start pukul 11 tv da jadi boring.. ape die siarkan ni.. bosan betul la.. itu lah kata kata cik baiti kita yang kecik.. then mula la teringat ikan ikan kat longkang belakang rumah yang berteriak memanggil baiti.. "mari la tangkap aku kalau mampu!" kata ikan.. heee.. then terdengar pulak teriak rakan rakan seperjuangan memanggil kroni kroni kami untuk lumba basikal.. hmmp mana boleh dorang je yang enjoy.. dengan langkah kanan baiti keluar.. terdengar pulak emak berteriak "hah nak kemana pulak tu?!".. apa lagi zoom pecut la.. nanti x boleh keluar.. ^^

dari lumba basikal baiti ke pertandingan tangkap ikan.. lepas tu lawan siapa dapat menyelam paling lame.. sampai la pukul 5 petang.. lepas tu macam biasa la brader.. main baling selipar ka, lumba lari ka.. yang pasti yang lasak lasak la beb.. apa barang main lompat getah.. eiiyuw feminim nye! haha.. itulah baiti.. paling best sekali korang penah main ape? kalau baiti mestilah besbol! tu memang top la kat sini.. baiti ni boleh dikatakan penah cuba semua posisi tau.. baling bola, pukul bola, tangkap bola? ala benda kacang la beb.. orang semua gigit jari tau dengan kehebatan baiti.. (ceh berlagak betol minah ni padahal lari sekejap da semput, okayh tipu ! ) siapa x nak amek gua jadi geng die? cer cita?! gua top list la antara 3 orang pertama di choose.. dari pukul sampai ke lari gua no hal punya.. hee..

sampai umur baiti form 4 baiti still main besbol tau.. tapi bila da besar sikit nih da x ade la tangkap ikan or main selam selam ni.. hee.. bukan malu tapi geng da x ade.. korang korang pulak macam mane zaman membesar? happening x macam baiti? ^^

deathnote ; tapi kalau kita tengok la budak budak zaman sekarang.. hmm keluar peluh sikit dia orang cakap euyuw peluh! macam makhluk asing je peluh tu.. aish memang x fun la dorang ni.. lagi satu kalau boleh nak duduk depan tv berjam jam tengok kartun.. x pon main ps3.. pergh x awesome langsung! pastu statistik budak budak obesiti pon meningkat.. hmm hmm x sihat betoi.. baiti cakap macam ni sebab adik adik baiti pon macam tu.. hmm xtau nak cakap apo lagik.. ^^

justeru itu penuhi lah hidup anda dengan aktiviti aktiviti yang sihat lagi adventure! yihaaa!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

the right person?

i read this sentence somewhere
and though that
ahh it supposed to be that way

"marriage is not supposed something
that to find the right person to marry
it is about to make it right
for your other half
after the marriage"

from what i understand is
the person that complete the missing you
the ideal type that you want
if he/she doesnt complete you
then what is the purpose your marriage is?

deathnote ; finding your ideal type is easier than the right person for you.. hmm sometimes he/she is standing beside you.. but you ignore or didnt notice it.. ^^


yeah i need to admit this.. i miss UIA! so damn much!! there a lot of memories.. even not all the memories is happy.. ^^

the first moment i know i'm going to UIA.. i was too excited maybe.. but i said these to myself
"whatever how it going to be accept it and go through it like a girl that know what is life!"

cool huh? ceh start to over yourself again.. ^^

the first person i know is my roommate, nabila.. hmm she kind of sad at that time.. then i know she doesn't want to enter UIA.. but was forced by her aunt.. poor girl.. ^^ she is a great friend and roommate.. it just she online alot.. hee..

then i know my BFF.. miss ate michiko.. at first sight she look hmm silent mode.. hee.. then as i'm getting to know her.. she is a biatch! hee.. biatch doen't mean bad okay.. hmm it a specific word.. hee.. the best friend ever i had?

classes in UIA? hmm awesome! i love the surrounding and friends.. munirah, nik, yaya, kak sham, fat.. ala kalau nak sebut satu satu esok pon x habis .. ^^

but even the surrounding and friends are awesome.. i didn't study well too.. why? i don't know.. hee.. people might says i study.. but i know myself better right.. for me study means reading + understand + remember.. what i did was reading and remember.. and it just for the sake of exams.. yela study last minute kan.. ^^ then my result is nothing to be proud of..

deathnote ; hey baiti fighthing!


i'm in love with Fiction!
i'm in love with yoseop oppa voice!

yeah i'm talking about that famous idol group
how i start to follow them?
ask yoseop oppa ^^

in this song i love yoseop(90) oppa voice
it the BEST! jeongmal jjang!
du jun(89) oppa part hmm love it!
junhyung(89) rap fascinating!

i love the uniqueness dongwoon face.. ^^
gikwang(90) and hyunseung(89) just hmmmmmm.. hee

how i heard about this song?
of course my lil sis.. she love them so much!
if u want to hear it, on your radio
it the top played in ERA.FM..

deathnote ; are they beating my 2pm oppa? no! before this i hate them so much.. why there is a need to have other beast group while my 2pm oppa is struggling to rise up.. hhmmpp!!! so i hate them so much.. hee miyanae! i watch their variety show and it can't beat my wild bunny and idol army 2pm oppa.. and du jun oppa is actually in hot blood which is he trying to debut as oneday.. but he disqualified.. then he debut as beast.. ^^ so at the end i love both.. it just i more to 2PM! of course right.. ^^

Monday, August 8, 2011

Eng Sub | Super Junior - Mr Simple MV [HD]

i love this new song
what word should i use
to describe it?
hmmm fresh!
yes that the right word

i love the dress up
i love the hairstyle
i love the dance
and i love u guys more!! ^^

my fav lee teuk oppa : i love his hair, looks like dragon ball ^^
dong hae oppa : amazingly cute ( as always )
sung min : hey boy u look damn manly in here, i like!
ryeo wook : oppa saranghae!
si won : oppa look hmm naughty and gangster hii
ye sung : i love oppa hairstyle, it daebak! jeongmal jjang! ^*
kyuh hyun : oppa look skinny and more matured than before
hee chul : hey cinderella hee u look hmm one word stunning!
eun hyuk : i like oppa short and black hair more but u look alot different and u look cool with it!
shin dong : as usual oppa is my lil sis fav, so i cant comment anything ^^

[JPN + ROM + ENG] [MV] 2PM - I'm Your Man

second song of 2pm
japan style
the first one is TAKE OFF
and i like this more ^^

Thursday, August 4, 2011

your words

"reminiscing about the past
i will do it alone
you don't need to do that
you are supposed to be hopelessly
cheerful and sturdy
are you trying to drum up pity?

a hundred times a day
thausand of times
i resent it and resent it even more
why did i meet you
why did it have to be you
you make me resent and blame myself
you are someone who make me regret
you are like nightmare that i dont want to remember

didn't i tell you go back to the time
you didn't know me
go back and meet a man that better than me
and live happy life everyday
forget a punk like me and live happily
please live that way!"

when u said those words outloud
you look heartless and cruel
i want to hate you for the rest of my life

but why?
tell me why your eyes says differently
that what it says

p/s: in love with you!

Monday, July 18, 2011


one of the biggest flattery is
knowing that just by being your normal silly self
you made someone fall in love with you


Friday, July 1, 2011

memory makes me wonder ^^

my ate michiko sent me a text just now..

"hey kawan! hargai lah mereka yang menyayangi mu.. jangan menyesal seperti aku"

that advice made me cry so much.. lately i've been feeling lost.. i wonder why? hmm bcause my gem gem not here? or my best chingu not here? or i'm missing someone soo much? argh molla! i really hate this feeling.. i feel uneasy and sensitive.. yeah! if something doesnt happen the way i want.. i cried so much..

like that text.. the word menyesal make me.. hmmm remember someone.. the text is refering to mr daim.. hmm choc daim.. but the word menyesal made me though about somebody else.. hmm who? i think i love him so much.. and that the reason why i hurt so much.. the day we spent together is something that i treasure so much! and the second that he hurt me.. i will never forget.. he meant a lot for me..

because of that second i take almost a month to forgive him.. that the other second come.. and another second.. i think only 3 second.. it takes me 2 years to forgive and not to forget.. if people say it feel like a knife stabbed in ur heart.. for me its not.. it feel like a broken glass is scratch all over my heart.. and the broken glass remain there.. then the glass will never leave my heart.. hmm to make sure that i didnt forget it..

that what i thought.. tehee.. now we become best friend.. and my feelings? sometimes i forget i was being hurt by him.. and now forget is something i need? nooo! he was hurt by me too.. so we kinda competing with each other.. hey darl i hope u have a beautiful relationship with her.. hey no matter how busy u arewith ur own life.. i know i am in ur heart.. why i'm so sure? because i were there before and it gonna remain there foerever.. it my promise.. remember? tehee<3

p/s; ate daim is someone that loves me so much but he is control maniac! urgh freaky?! my second bff i write my name there with my own blood so it will never erased by anybody except me.. freaky? theat ur punishment for hurting me last 4years!! <3


hmm missing my lil sis so damn much.. that what i can conclude now.. my life is kinda messy right now.. i wake up late and awake till late night.. one sentence please! life is soo great to be regret and enjoy it babe! yeah!

aaarrggghhh!! wahai semangat datanglah kepadaku!! aku amat memerlukan kamu saat ini.. ^^

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


new song,, new style and new beat!! but the same group!!

who is that? it 2PM!!
yeah they back with their new album.. the second album..
and i fall in love again and again!!

i love the music
i love the outfit
i love them so much!
so guys let party!!
put ur hands up!!

their comeback is this friday (cant wait to see their lives).. 24 june 2011.. and it beacome more special because it nichkhun birthday!! saengil chukahae oppa and good luck 2pm oppa!! fighthing!^^

Thursday, June 16, 2011

deal or no deal

it's hard to compete with your guy first love right? especially the really really good one.. well something like wow awesome! huh! ^^

for me it not that hard.. hehe.. sounds like i used to deal with it? haha.. no la.. the thing that makes it harder is.. urself! why urself?

well u the one that doesnt belive in him.. doesnt believe in urself.. yeah it true it hard to believe in guys loyalty.. somehow u the one with him right now not 'she' that first love.. eventhough she always reminds u about how great their first love..

huh?! like i care.. but it gonna be bad also if u pretend that u okay.. because ur relationship will never okayh! so have a talk with him.. ask him from heart to heart.. nice idea? of course! tehee..

well i never dealt with this first love thing guys.. but i had been someone first love.. am i proud? well yeah of course!! how i cant? because he also my first love.. u know something like butterflies in ur stomach.. hee.. i'm not going to tell about him today.. maybe tomorow.. or the next day.. ^^

girls when u have something to dealt with ur boys.. first thing first is calming urself.. no calm no talk.. is just gonna be a cat fight or maybe third world war.. who know? ^^ second thing is let learn being a good listner of explanation.. then being rational in thinking.. easy? not so easy babe.. believes me.. ^^

past and future

u must let go the past
so that the future can comes into it place

really? then if u cant then the future is not a future? it not going to become a good future maybe? or ur life is in danger? ^^

is not easy to let go the past.. well it is easy when u are saying it.. but to be done.. hmm not that easy.. maybe it gonna to hurt u and people around u..

past can be happy and sad.. if it sad we need to let it go? if happy not? how about that happy moment is something that gonna hurt someone else?

hmm life is not easy.. but living is so much fun and amazing to let it past.. ^^

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


finally i'm here.. well again.. after a few weeks gone.. hee.. just need time to settle down my last day at cfs iium.. i think that the best ever path that i choose? hee.. what up guys? having fun during the semester break? me? huh look like it gonna be a bit boring..

why? and why? well i supposed to have fun this break with my luvly gem gem.. having a cup of cofee? (oh classy! ).. or maybe dancing OH! by snsd ( siusly it is amazingly alot easier than i thought).. but it turns out NOT! my luvly lil is now gone tooo? i think a bit far from me.. because i was forced not to visit her..

then again.. why and why? hee.. the big head of the instituition that she belong to right now strictly prohibited us( the family member ) to visit her.. well where is the instituition?

kolej matrikulasi melaka.. at first when i know she got there.. woah! i love it.. it gonna be awesome! yeah and it turns out fascinating in her life now.. u know melaka is a big state now.. so i thought when she got there.. i'll be visiting her right? so it maybe turns out into a vacation? wow! who knows? tehee..

act the important thing is i'm proud of her.. well not just because this reason.. but because who she is.. why did i say this? during my time ( ceh start to talk like u so much older? ) when i heard the word matrikulasi.. wow! sound like awesome and harsh.. well i mean awesome in other way of saying like 'awesome' ( with hands).. tehee.. dont u feel the same way? for me matrik sound hard and no fun? yeah that what i feel.. thank God iium choose me as one of their student.. ^^ i proud that she choose something that she never thought.. and how hardworking she is to get it..

it because at first she doesnt got any offer to further her study.. she cried.. a lot actually.. well eventhough she doesnt tell me.. i know her feeling very very well.. i've been through exactly the same thing.. u know when everybody says.. 'u deserve this because u dont study'.. HAHA! like u know me better? huh! so she stand up for what she believes.. which is second chance? then there she is.. at the matrik.. i'm proud of u babe!

p/s: babe when u home i'm going to cook something special for u and fighting.. and well if there any grammar mistake.. can u help me? hee.. ( band 3)

Monday, May 16, 2011


frienship needs a lot of gives and takes..
that what i relise now..
if u the only one gives
and he / she only one takes, feeling nothing..
there is something wrong with that friendship..
either u too kind or he / she heartless..

u give up everything to make he / she happy?
u give up ur heart feeling so that the friendship last long?
u give up telling ur feeling so that he / she can smile more?

it wonderfull..
but only for a few years..
and suddenly u burst!
everything gone..
believes me.. ^^

and my friends it okay u hurt me..
but i am sorry if i cant forget what u did.. ^^

p/s; please appreciate more what u have.. i am afraid when u relise u lose it.. u are alone.. act this post is for me.. who doesnt know how to appreciate.. tehee..

i am?

'i am an ordinary girl'
that what people always said
and i was one of them

i am an ordinary girl
which full with imagination
which always feel insecure for small thing
which love my family more than anything
which love to talk about korean
which easily 'perasantan'

i admit all of that
and maybe many more

i had a lot of weakness
such as i am not a good talker
i am not good in concertrating
i am not a good lover in many ways

but beside this weaknesses
i have something that .....
for instance?
i am a sweet talker
i am a good listener

p/s; that what i though for this few months.. ^*

Saturday, April 30, 2011

i love quotes!

I want to stop like I knew everything..

even though I know what exactly happen..

huh im tired wasting my energy and my feeling about it..

so bye-bye I let it go.. ^^

p/s: this is my quote! tapi x tahu la kalau quote ni ade.. *^

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

aku di tipu bulat bulat!

kenapa kau berlagak mengenali diriku?

sewenang wenangnya mengembar gemburkan cerita?

bercerita seolah olah semua itu benar belaka?

satu yang ingin aku tetapkan.

kau tidak mengenali aku.

justeru itu berhenti!

tolong berhenti berpura pura mengenali aku!


aku tidak dapat mengelakkan rase benci.


hati ini benci dan tidak percaya lagi.

puas aku percayakan kau.

akhirnya nista yang aku dapat.

moga Allah melindungimu sahabat.

moga kau sedar siapa kau.

moga kau sedar di mana letak duduknya dirimu.

moga kau sempat meminta maaf pada semua..

maaf seikhlas hati.

tiada lagi putar belit!

sahabat hati ini mati untukmu.

tiada lagi berbekas untukmu.

p/s: kini dan selamanya aku x mungkin akan percaya lagi. meski apa pun. bijak berpura pura. maaf? akan aku fikirkan. nanti! dan kepada sepatutnya aku percaya. maafsetulusnyadarisahabatmu. maaf atas sikapku yang melampau.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

hati ini

mana baiti nak cerita hati baiti yang sakit ni?
kenapa mereka hanya fikir hati mereka?
hati baiti ni bukan apa apa ke?
kenapa x ade orang yang paham baiti?
baiti x pinta untuk di sayangi atau dilindungi
cuma boleh x jaga hati baiti?
jage sikit pon jadilah..
baiti x minta banyak..
cuma tolong la jangan asyik fikir hati awak awak je..
hati awak je ke yang kene jaga..
baiti x nak buat macam dulu da..
sejuk je x berperasaan..
memang best buat macam tu..
baiti x sakit sikit pon
tapi orang sekeliling baiti yang sakit..
sakitnya hati..
ya Allah tabahkanlah hati ini
kuatkanlah ia..

again n again

Again it is about 2pm.. hee.. yess im a big fan of them.. lately their seem famous among Malaysian girls.. what I can see and realize is there a lot of girls talking about them.. and most of them know 2pm by their song I’ll be back.. also a few month ago taec and woo oppa was staring in dream high drama which being aired at astro kbs..

Act I don’t really like to like something that too famous.. there no fun when everybody knows about them when u ask ‘did u know 2pm?’ if people doesn’t know it seem more fun and excitement..

Well people might like them bcause their are cute, adorable or charming.. or maybe bcause it a trend.. or maybe they had their own reason.. but for me it not that way.. I start to know them early 2009.. which a few month after their debut.. 2pm debut on oct 08.. how I start know them? I was watching star golden bell(if im not mistaken).. then they introduce themselves.. an nyong haseyo 2pm imnida.. I was like owh group baru.. they sit in a row start with taec yeon, woo young, jun ho and chan sung.. yess I still remember.. and of course taec oppa catch my eyes.. bcause he was sitting at the front.. at first I was like poyo gile mamat ni.. but then he smiled.. ah! I fall! Heee.. then I start to google about them and their songs.. mv.. and till now my fav is taec oppa.. but now it already has ‘and’.. and woo oppa! Gyeopta! oppa i like ur cheek and i know it has poison in it.. like u said to jyp.. ^^

Then I found their wild bunny and idol army show.. huh I was like aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!! Domo domo chua! (chua tu ejaan die salah rasenye.. hee.. lantak la) siusly korang korang kene tengok variety show tu.. sebab dorang sangat sangat kelakar.. and how they debut through hot blood show..

Semua lagu lagu dorang baiti suka.. 10 point out of 10, again n again, niga mipda, only u, heartbeat, tired of waiting, without u.. ala banyak lagi la.. hee.. tapi baiti paling suka lagu thank you.. lagu tu die tujukan khas untuk hottest.. siape pulak hottest ni? Hee.. hottest ni name fans 2pm.. setiap idol kat korea ade name fans dorang yang tersendiri.. tapi baiti x tahu semua.. yang baiti tahu 2pm, suju and ade la beberape lagi.. kalau korang cari lagu tu cari yang ade eng sub.. baiti terharu sangat dengar lagu tu.. ^^

Tapi kan baiti bukan hottest.. even baiti minat sangat sangat 2pm ni.. sebab kalau hottest baiti mesti beli album album dorang or pergi konsert konsert dorang.. I never done any of that.. ^^ but I also not sasaeng fan.. sasaeng? Ape itu? It a name for fan that follow their idol 24/7.. yup every day and second.. for sure la baiti bukan kan.. jaoh kot korea and Malaysia.. ^^ im a fan that always there to support them.. even when I know jay was terminated(ceh ayat!) from 2pm.. I never say or thought anything about to disbelieve them.. I know what jay do is before their debut.. and I also know it is abit harsh.. but human makes mistake.. I believe it had hikmah behind that.. see right now jay with his own career and 2pm too.. so they trying their best for themselves and fans.. it’s a good thing huh? ^^

Last few month I found a blog talking about 2pm.. siusly sangat sangat harsh.. I don’t know if I need to believe.. bcause I don’t know the real 2pm.. how they in the real life.. so whatever people say I still a fans of 2pm.. ^^ im a fans bcause how they survived the jay issues and of course their songs.. once my lil bro asked my lil sis.. ‘why she like them? They don’t even know that she is a fan’.. then my lil sis ans.. hey im only fans.. I like them not bcause I want them to like me back or to let they know that yuhu im one of ur fans.. it just fun.. hee ^^

Yeah I like them bcause my heart not gonna be hurt.. what the point if I couple with a boy and love him so damn much.. macam orang selalu cakap tu.. hee.. and at last I clash with him? It hurt me a lot.. than bcome a fans of 2pm.. nothing.. they don’t know im a fan and they will not hurt me.. right huh? I know this only worldly matter.. but still I never leave my religion to follow them or leave my parent just bcause want to watch their concert.. im not that crazy.. that’s why I said im not hottest.. im just a big fan of 2pm.. ^^

p/s : 2pm oppa hwaiting!! here a fans that will always support u.. ^^

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

my past

an nyong! hee.. again i greet u all with han guk.. fine.. assalamualaikum.. ^^

hari ni tiba tiba baiti teringat cerita lame.. ceh nostalgiknye.. heee.. yess im that kind of person.. i believe history make who am i today.. so i cannot forget it.. hee..

This evening I though just want to take a nap.. fine I know its not good.. my ayah always scold me about this.. hee.. but ottoke? I love something that not healthy.. ^^ sambung cerita.. then I dreamed about my past.. something that I really want to forget.. hmmmm? Tadi kamu bilang sejarah itu enggak mungkin dilupakan.. tapi sekarang mahu? Heee.. these past what make who am I today.. a mean person.. lets the story begin..

The story begin when I was in standard 4.. that was long long time ago.. heee.. this guy I know since I was in standard 3.. and it takes 1 year for me to like him.. and since that i always like him.. yup only him.. heee.. and it almost 2 years I like him.. unbelieveable huh? That was the first time and maybe the last time I have ever like a guy so much.. ^^ then I proposed him.. ever u guys doing this? I challenge u guys try it out.. it fun.. but siusly u need a lot of strength.. to face him and surrounding.. he maybe reject u.. like what this mr.R done to me.. or ur friends.. siusly it gonna be a huge gossip in ur school.. everybody will know about this.. maybe even mok cik cleaner pon akan tahu.. ala macam dalam playful kiss.. heee.. every single of my friend asked me.. familiar ques was.. weh awak x malu ke? And I don’t know why this was my answer.. napa pulak saya nak malu? Siti khadijah pon propose kat nabi Muhammad apa.. ceh hebat x? semua kawan kawan baiti cakap.. wow boshita!! Means coolnye.. heee.. im some sort of legend la time tu.. ceh perasan gila.. heee.. tapi baru sekarang baiti tahu laki tu sangat jahat.. memberitahu apa yang perempuan tu rase kat die untuk pengetahuan satu sekolah.. sangat x jujur.. tapi satu la.. lelaki melayu memang biasa macam tu kan.. bagitahu kat semua.. supaya semua cakap wow ade orang admire kau.. hee.. Childish!! ^^

Then I stop to like him.. well at first it was hard.. same school.. almost 12 hours per day I spend with him.. sama sekola kebangsaan and agama.. so it really hard.. but thanx to mr.A for coming in my life.. we start as bestfriend.. very bestfriend! Hee.. then that day come.. the day I fall for him.. it was a normal school day.. mr.A pencil box missing.. then spotcheck dijalankan.. tapi kami sendiri yang check beg sendiri sendiri.. tapi x jumpa.. suddenly this one boy said to me.. cuba check bawah meja awak betul betul.. then baiti pon check la.. yess it was under my table.. am I a thief? Am i that bad? Yess im not that rich but baiti x batak pon dengan barang orang lain.. da cukup ape yang ayah beri kat baiti.. I don’t know who the hell doing that.. at first yeah.. then I find out.. such a b*tch boy! Siusly sampai sekarang baiti x dapat maafkan die.. sebab lepas tu.. I was humiliated by mr.A mom.. she was my English teacher.. she called me to her class.. and yelled at me because of my bad writing.. dia campak buku baiti.. and that’s not enough.. she pinch my stomach.. everybody in that class watching it.. why she so angry while it only a small matter? About my writing? Huh nope! Mr.A is her lovely only son.. such a horrible day.. but i didn’t cry.. then the limit comes.. I can stand it out loud when everybody doesn’t belive me.. but even he doesn’t believe me.. huh! he asked why I did that.. if I want something just tell him.. huh! Am I that low? Then I cried.. I cried a lot.. and I yelled to him.. aku x batak la dengan ko punye pencil box tu.. aku x tahu macam mane bende tu bole ade kat situ.. then baiti kayuh basikal laju laju.. die kejar and pujuk baiti.. esoknye die gaduh dengan budak yang kenekan baiti.. how come I didn’t fall? Pabo? Maybe.. ^^

Start to like him.. then I know he act like my friend.. not only friend.. my best girlfriend! Huh.. but I never said anything aqbout what I feel.. I just support him.. give advices.. telling my friend he such a good boy.. I feel really stupid back then when.. I fought with my girl friend and he asked me to befriend with her back.. and guys I do it.. amazing huh? Yeah I had been fooled by love once.. I know what it feel.. ^^ so tell me about love.. how u hurt by it.. I understand it so much.. well because of mr.R, mr.A and the boy that put mr.A pencil box.. I had been hurting so many heart that sincerely loved me.. miyanae guys.. it happen that way because I were only trying to protect my heart.. I know this way is wrong.. but this is the only way I saw.. ^^

p/s : mr.R want to be my boy that day.. but because he had someone else he needs to reject me.. that what he said.. that boy.. ala the pencil box guy.. he never had courage to look at me till now.. u know u were wrong ryte.. I will forgive u.. but not now, tomorrow or next year.. ^^ mr.A act know what exactly I feel.. but he never ask me about that.. hee.. such an amazing life.. never regret because there no medicine for that.. ^^ have a nice day guys!
i always want a really really good dream
but today,,
it was a bad dream!
im afraid to close my eyes tonight

Thursday, March 31, 2011


tahu kan baiti sangat suka~
lepaking kat blog orang
salah seorangnye adalah cik FL kita
ala fatin liyana

something yang sangat unbelieveable for me is
cik FL cerita kat post die pasal~
pasal sapa?
baiti ka?

mesti lah x kan
sesuatu yang sangat mustahil!!
sebab die x kenal pon sape baiti ni

okayh berbalik pada post FL
die post pasal 2PM!!!!
well die xde la cerita details
tapi die de sebut 2PM

and for what reason
i also dont know
i feel like terharu giler
crazy? yup!

p/s ; nak cerita pasal resit tapi mood x ade lagi.. nanti nanti la.. ^^

Thursday, March 17, 2011

what should i do~

what should i do? i always fall for someone that i should not.. i always like someone that cannot like me back.. i always saw someone that never look me.. i always smile to someone that never know who am i.. i always happy for someone that never know he makes me happy.. then what should i do? pretend nothing happen? then how about my heart? ignore it? it hurt alot because my stupid feeling.. it a bit harsh.. it not stupid.. it childish.. so heart stop liking guys that u never know who he is.. it hurt me alot to like someone so bad and at last nothing.. it teach me alot of patience things but still.. i hate to feel it once again.. im exausted.. too exausted.. ^^


encik farhan!
saya nak panggil awak han, boleh? ^^

sebab han = honey
honey = sweet
and sweet is you

why u blushing?

can or cannot?
yess u can..

aww!! so cute la u.. @@

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

demam -..-"

hye semua.. ^^ ni baiti nak bagitahu sesuatu.. baiti demam(dengan muke kesian).. x larat betul badan ni.. semalam start demam.. petang semalam baiti tidor.. bangon bangon je baiti teros rase panas semacam.. pastu start pening pening lalat.. siap ade star lagi pusing pusing.. ceh tipu je.. gem gem tengok x ade pon.. hee.. memang x larat nak bangon la.. ceh da macam nak mintak simpati je.. ^^

kalau pikir pikir balik asal tetibe je baiti demam ni.. memang pelik bin ajaib tau.. heh mesti x tahu.. pastu malam tadi dalam pukul 11 lebih ayah baiti balik dari masjid.. adik adik semua cakap kakak demam.. hee.. baiti pon cakap mane ade demam.. pening kepala je.. pastu ayah baiti rase kepale.. ceh xdemam ape.. panas ni.. jom klinik..

aish perkataan klinik tu yang baiti paling x suke sebenarnye.. tehee.. sebenarnye baiti sangat sangat x suke makan ubat.. da la pahit.. -..-" tapi ayah kate cepat la.. aish memang da x boleh elak la kan.. sesampainye di klinik.. ramai pulak orang.. malasnye! then doc kate baiti kurang air.. pelik di situ.. baiti adalah antara manusia yang paling suka minum air.. dan makan sekali ye.. x percaye tanye cik ate michiko kiter.. baiti selalu mention tentang die kan.. sape ye? nanti baiti post pasal die ye.. ^^

baiklah sambung cerita.. dah tu baiti dok memikir la ape sebab baiti kurang air ni.. then baiti teringat.. kelmarin baiti main badminton dengan gem gem.. lepas main tu kite orang terasa nak minum slurpee.. then pergi lah kami ke seven-E.. sesampainye di situ.. mesin sedang dalam pembaikpulihan.. eh betul ke perkataan tu? molla.. ^^

so kite orang choose beli air sejuk je.. gem gem kate beli air botol besar je la.. boleh minum sekali dengan adik adik sekali.. so i said okayh baby! then baiti amek 1 lagi air tin gas.. boleh lah minum minum otw balik nanti.. ceh bajet je.. sebab last last baiti minum sorang.. gem gem minum satu dua teguk je.. tehee.. da balik tu baiti minum lagi air botol tu.. so disebabkan banyak sangat minum air sejuk dan manis dan bergas badan baiti jadi shock.. so die amek result untuk demam.. hee ^^

so baiti rase baiti da tue.. tahu kenapa? sebab dulu.. ala mase kite kecik kecik dulu.. baiti x kesah pon minum banyak banyak air manis and bergas.. sekarang da x boleh.. nanti badan 'shock culture'.. hee.. tapi ayah cakap bukan macam tu.. ayah cakap sebab badan baiti tengah panas baru lepas main badminton.. pastu terus minum air sejuk and bergas banyak banyak.. tu yang badan kurang air and demam..

well bagi baiti dua dua betul.. memang baiti tue pon.. da 20 kan.. hee.. so baiti akan mula menjaga badan baiti.. bukan sahaja kurus ye.. tapi mesti la sihat.. so xpe kalau gemuk.. janji sihat dan kuat.. hee ^^..

p/s : x semestinye anda anda semua baru 4teen or 7teen
anda mesti juga menjaga kesihatan..
jangan suke amek mudah and akhirnye menyesal.. ^^

ceh ade gaye bakal nurse x? tehee..

Monday, March 14, 2011


usually i post about korea ryte
today i want to post
about japan

unfortunately japan just having
an earthquake and tsunami
well i know im a bit late
but i still want to post
japan resident
be strong ^^

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

im a straight person

hai semua!! hari ini baiti nak cerita pasal kawan kawan baiti yang suka sangat kenekan baiti.. urgh! geram sangat.. kadang kadang rase nak gigit dorang ni.. gggrrr!!

ini adalah meraka
dari kiri nik and ate
hee saje nak menyibok

Align Centerdisebabkan baiti ni jenis slow sikit.. or lebih specific lampi dorang suka sangat main main kan baiti.. okayh ini adalah contoh contohnya..

first sekali dorang kenekan baiti 'kuih congek'.. korang korang tahu x congek tu apa? baiti memang x tahu mase tuh.. dorang duduk borak pasal apa entah.. baiti malas nak amek tahu.. then suddenly baiti saje saje la nak dengar.. tetibe dengar perkatan congek.. and that was my first time dengar that word.. so baiti tanya la dengan muka blurr.. weyh congek tu ape.. and dorang pon saje saje la nak main main.. congek tu sejenis kueh yang disalut dengan kelapa yang ade cip coklat atas dia.. then masa tu pulak perut tengah berkeroncong.. cakap lah dengan innocent nye.. ceh innocent ke? ^^ sounds delicious.. dorang ketawa giler giler punye.. baiti pon pelik.. tanya la napa hang pa ketawa? dorang gelak giler giler tau.. malu sangat.. then i found out what is congek.. maksud die bende terangkat..

aish sabor je la dengan kerenah kanak kanak riang ni.. gggrrrr!!

second is dorang dok cerita pasal movie ape entah.. then macam main main la.. tambah scene dalam cerita tu.. baiti x ambil peduli waktu tu.. tapi dorang tambah scene dorang cakap tetiba matahari keluar and lagu matahriku keluar.. ala lagu agnes monika tu.. baiti pon cakap la huh ye ke? dorang gelak kan baiti lagi.. sama macam first time tuh.. hish! geram betol.. rupenye dorang tengah cerita pasal 2012.. dorang x tengok lagi.. juz cerita pasal thriller movie tu.. aish..

ade lagi sebenarnye.. tapi baiti da x engat.. hee.. see memang banyak tau.. cuma baiti da x engat.. due ni la yang baiti paling engat.. and act dorang x sangka pon baiti akan percaya.. dorang juz saje saje.. tapi baiti percaye pulak.. @@

moral of the stroy is.. jangan suka sangat tetiba masuk forum yang sedang rancak berlangsung.. hee ^^

tapi di sini baiti nak tegaskan something.. people im not blurr okayh.. well maybe a bit and sometimes.. but not always okayh.. ^^ im juz straight.. when u want to chit chat with me.. juz says it straight and clear please.. when u want to joke.. says its a joke.. then i understand.. it usually happen when that person is new to me.. like them.. now i know exactly who are these gurls.. so gurls watch out.. ^^

like this cute seung ho(MBLAQ) oppa ^^
we are same oppa..
i'm a straight person ^^