Saturday, August 20, 2011

so outofdate!

assalamualaikum..Justify Full

hmm apa yang out date ni baiti? well hari ni nak cerita or share something that i thought.. and learned from my daddy! ^^

please flush after use it.. hmm apa yang perlu flush lepas kita guna dia? korang semua mesti tahu apa kan? tandas!

adik lelaki baiti sangat susah flush tandas lepas guna.. kadang kadang tu baiti tanya die.. patah ke tangan tu kalau flush tandas? baiti marah dan geram.. satu hari tu baiti marah dia in front of my daddy.. and he got scold.. then he flush.. after that he forgot again..

aigoo! nak tahu apa ayah baiti cakap dekat my lil bro tu.. "orang x ade tamadun je yang lepas berak x flush.. tahu?" wow sangat pedas dan bernas! i like!

baru puas rasanya bila ayah baiti tegur dia.. tapi memang betul apa yang ayah baiti cakap.. kita kan da ada tamadun.. sebab tu orang cipta flush.. untuk kemudahan kita.. x perlu lagi jirus jirus macam dulu.. tapi semua anggap flush tu hanya hiasan kat dalam tandas.. ish ish sangat x bertamadun..

ada sekali tu baiti dekat tandas awam.. tunggu giliran nak masuk.. sekali perempuan yang keluar dari tandas memang pergh gorgeous la.. dressup pun class gitu.. sekali bila baiti masuk tandas.. hmm x berflush.. rasa macam nak je suruh die masuk balik dan flush.. and tanya x baca arahan yang dia bagi ni ke?

kesimpulannya.. mereka mereka yang x suka flush tandas lepas guna ni sangat sangat outofdate and x cool! ^^

deathnote ; jadi mari la kita sama sama menjaga kebersihan tandas awam.. ceh macam iklan kat tv le pulak.. ^*

Monday, August 15, 2011

kecik kecik dolu!

assalamualaikum! apa khabar semua?!

teruja sungguh saudari ya?! ya saya sangat teruja.. sebab hujan hujan ni kene teruja lebih sikit.. kalau x kesejukan nanti.. dan disebabkan keterujaan inilah.. cewah ayat nat power je brader.. hee.. tetiba sahaja baiti teringatkan kisah silam.. haha.. kisah silam tersebut menusuk hingga ke kalbu.. hee..

kisah silam ini bermula dari baiti berumur hmm lebih kurang 8 or 9 tahun macam tu la.. waktu waktu umur macam ni biasanya perempuan da baligh kan.. or lebih specific da ade rase malu yang tahap shy shy cat.. kan kan? tapi baiti belum lagi lah! kenapa pula ye? meh mari kita dengar ceritanya..

masa umur macam ni biasanye la kan budak budak perempuan akan duduk dekat rumah dan belajar memasak dengan ibu masing masing.. macam sorang ni yang merangkap jiran sebelah rumah baiti.. name die nik farina aishah.. memang cantik lah kan.. kalau mak mentua tengok aish jatuh hati la.. belom anak anak laki dia orang tengok lagi.. hmm x tahu la jatuh ape la pulak kan.. jatuh rahang rahang mereka agaknye.. hee.. dia ni memang princess la.. duduk je dalam rumah.. tolong ibu die buat kerja, memasak lah.. macam macam la.. memang perempuan mithali.. baiti pulak buat ape?

macam biasa la.. bangun mesti la pagi pagi kan.. sekarang je x tahu nape suka sangat bangun lambat.. heee.. then sarapan, ushar tv( dulu x main la panggil ushar kan kita kata tengok tv la ^^ ).. start pukul 11 tv da jadi boring.. ape die siarkan ni.. bosan betul la.. itu lah kata kata cik baiti kita yang kecik.. then mula la teringat ikan ikan kat longkang belakang rumah yang berteriak memanggil baiti.. "mari la tangkap aku kalau mampu!" kata ikan.. heee.. then terdengar pulak teriak rakan rakan seperjuangan memanggil kroni kroni kami untuk lumba basikal.. hmmp mana boleh dorang je yang enjoy.. dengan langkah kanan baiti keluar.. terdengar pulak emak berteriak "hah nak kemana pulak tu?!".. apa lagi zoom pecut la.. nanti x boleh keluar.. ^^

dari lumba basikal baiti ke pertandingan tangkap ikan.. lepas tu lawan siapa dapat menyelam paling lame.. sampai la pukul 5 petang.. lepas tu macam biasa la brader.. main baling selipar ka, lumba lari ka.. yang pasti yang lasak lasak la beb.. apa barang main lompat getah.. eiiyuw feminim nye! haha.. itulah baiti.. paling best sekali korang penah main ape? kalau baiti mestilah besbol! tu memang top la kat sini.. baiti ni boleh dikatakan penah cuba semua posisi tau.. baling bola, pukul bola, tangkap bola? ala benda kacang la beb.. orang semua gigit jari tau dengan kehebatan baiti.. (ceh berlagak betol minah ni padahal lari sekejap da semput, okayh tipu ! ) siapa x nak amek gua jadi geng die? cer cita?! gua top list la antara 3 orang pertama di choose.. dari pukul sampai ke lari gua no hal punya.. hee..

sampai umur baiti form 4 baiti still main besbol tau.. tapi bila da besar sikit nih da x ade la tangkap ikan or main selam selam ni.. hee.. bukan malu tapi geng da x ade.. korang korang pulak macam mane zaman membesar? happening x macam baiti? ^^

deathnote ; tapi kalau kita tengok la budak budak zaman sekarang.. hmm keluar peluh sikit dia orang cakap euyuw peluh! macam makhluk asing je peluh tu.. aish memang x fun la dorang ni.. lagi satu kalau boleh nak duduk depan tv berjam jam tengok kartun.. x pon main ps3.. pergh x awesome langsung! pastu statistik budak budak obesiti pon meningkat.. hmm hmm x sihat betoi.. baiti cakap macam ni sebab adik adik baiti pon macam tu.. hmm xtau nak cakap apo lagik.. ^^

justeru itu penuhi lah hidup anda dengan aktiviti aktiviti yang sihat lagi adventure! yihaaa!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

the right person?

i read this sentence somewhere
and though that
ahh it supposed to be that way

"marriage is not supposed something
that to find the right person to marry
it is about to make it right
for your other half
after the marriage"

from what i understand is
the person that complete the missing you
the ideal type that you want
if he/she doesnt complete you
then what is the purpose your marriage is?

deathnote ; finding your ideal type is easier than the right person for you.. hmm sometimes he/she is standing beside you.. but you ignore or didnt notice it.. ^^


yeah i need to admit this.. i miss UIA! so damn much!! there a lot of memories.. even not all the memories is happy.. ^^

the first moment i know i'm going to UIA.. i was too excited maybe.. but i said these to myself
"whatever how it going to be accept it and go through it like a girl that know what is life!"

cool huh? ceh start to over yourself again.. ^^

the first person i know is my roommate, nabila.. hmm she kind of sad at that time.. then i know she doesn't want to enter UIA.. but was forced by her aunt.. poor girl.. ^^ she is a great friend and roommate.. it just she online alot.. hee..

then i know my BFF.. miss ate michiko.. at first sight she look hmm silent mode.. hee.. then as i'm getting to know her.. she is a biatch! hee.. biatch doen't mean bad okay.. hmm it a specific word.. hee.. the best friend ever i had?

classes in UIA? hmm awesome! i love the surrounding and friends.. munirah, nik, yaya, kak sham, fat.. ala kalau nak sebut satu satu esok pon x habis .. ^^

but even the surrounding and friends are awesome.. i didn't study well too.. why? i don't know.. hee.. people might says i study.. but i know myself better right.. for me study means reading + understand + remember.. what i did was reading and remember.. and it just for the sake of exams.. yela study last minute kan.. ^^ then my result is nothing to be proud of..

deathnote ; hey baiti fighthing!


i'm in love with Fiction!
i'm in love with yoseop oppa voice!

yeah i'm talking about that famous idol group
how i start to follow them?
ask yoseop oppa ^^

in this song i love yoseop(90) oppa voice
it the BEST! jeongmal jjang!
du jun(89) oppa part hmm love it!
junhyung(89) rap fascinating!

i love the uniqueness dongwoon face.. ^^
gikwang(90) and hyunseung(89) just hmmmmmm.. hee

how i heard about this song?
of course my lil sis.. she love them so much!
if u want to hear it, on your radio
it the top played in ERA.FM..

deathnote ; are they beating my 2pm oppa? no! before this i hate them so much.. why there is a need to have other beast group while my 2pm oppa is struggling to rise up.. hhmmpp!!! so i hate them so much.. hee miyanae! i watch their variety show and it can't beat my wild bunny and idol army 2pm oppa.. and du jun oppa is actually in hot blood which is he trying to debut as oneday.. but he disqualified.. then he debut as beast.. ^^ so at the end i love both.. it just i more to 2PM! of course right.. ^^

Monday, August 8, 2011

Eng Sub | Super Junior - Mr Simple MV [HD]

i love this new song
what word should i use
to describe it?
hmmm fresh!
yes that the right word

i love the dress up
i love the hairstyle
i love the dance
and i love u guys more!! ^^

my fav lee teuk oppa : i love his hair, looks like dragon ball ^^
dong hae oppa : amazingly cute ( as always )
sung min : hey boy u look damn manly in here, i like!
ryeo wook : oppa saranghae!
si won : oppa look hmm naughty and gangster hii
ye sung : i love oppa hairstyle, it daebak! jeongmal jjang! ^*
kyuh hyun : oppa look skinny and more matured than before
hee chul : hey cinderella hee u look hmm one word stunning!
eun hyuk : i like oppa short and black hair more but u look alot different and u look cool with it!
shin dong : as usual oppa is my lil sis fav, so i cant comment anything ^^

[JPN + ROM + ENG] [MV] 2PM - I'm Your Man

second song of 2pm
japan style
the first one is TAKE OFF
and i like this more ^^

Thursday, August 4, 2011

your words

"reminiscing about the past
i will do it alone
you don't need to do that
you are supposed to be hopelessly
cheerful and sturdy
are you trying to drum up pity?

a hundred times a day
thausand of times
i resent it and resent it even more
why did i meet you
why did it have to be you
you make me resent and blame myself
you are someone who make me regret
you are like nightmare that i dont want to remember

didn't i tell you go back to the time
you didn't know me
go back and meet a man that better than me
and live happy life everyday
forget a punk like me and live happily
please live that way!"

when u said those words outloud
you look heartless and cruel
i want to hate you for the rest of my life

but why?
tell me why your eyes says differently
that what it says

p/s: in love with you!